

Communication device to read the information from your digital meter.
99,00 € *
Lieferzeit: Gleicher oder nächster Arbeitstag

To enable certain smart functions of the ETAPpro, there must be communication with your digital meter, and that is where the MTAP comes in. The MTAP can easily be clicked into the P1 port of the digital meter with a supplied cable and will automatically detect ETAPpro devices that are present on the network after commissioning.

From then on, the charging station can take into account the consumption in the home, the capacity rate, generated solar energy, etc. The necessary data is forwarded by the MTAP via WiFi or an Ethernet connection/PLC to the charging station(s). In addition, provision is made for active looping of the P1 signal (no ordinary hardware splitter!) so that existing devices can continue to be used. There is even a USB-C port to provide extra power if necessary

The MTAP currently supports Belgian, Dutch and Luxembourg installed digital meters.

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